Curing Cancer Naturally - The Foods You Should Be Eating to Cure Your Cancer
If you are fighting cancer, it is very important to be very strict about every food item that you put in your mouth. The reason for this is that when it comes to cancer, there are two types of foods. Those that strengthen the body in order to kill cancerous cells, and those that feed cancer cells.
In this article, we will discuss the foods that boost your immune system so that the cancerous cells will die out. These are the cancer killing foods.
Dark leafy greens are one of the most powerful foods that anyone fighting cancer can consume. Foods such as collards, spinach, romaine lettuce, broccoli, kale and parsley are packed with nutrients that have an amazing healing effect on the body. The reason is because these foods contain large amounts of carotenoids. Carotenoids scour the body in search of damaged and diseased cells.
Once they come into contact with these cells, they destroy them. It is important to note, however, that consuming these items raw, in their natural form, will provide your body with much more rapid healing. Cooking these carotenoid rich foods down to a mushy consistency destroys the healing power in the foods.
Antioxidant rich foods are also extremely important. Antioxidants are found in other plant based foods, essentially those which contain large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin E. Foods such as blueberries, strawberries, lemons and limes fall into this category. Of course there are many others. Green tea is also very high in antioxidants and is a great drink to consume multiple times throughout the day.
You also want to consume foods which are very high in fiber. High fiber foods help waste to move through the body within a reasonable amount of time. When you do not have high amounts of fiber in your diet, the waste remains in your body and your body will become toxic as the food begins to rot inside of you. You cannot heal your body if it is toxic.
Flax seeds are not only a great source of fiber, but these little seeds contain powerful cancer killing nutrients as well. Blending up flax seeds and putting it in your smoothies, on your cereal or over your salads at each meal will do wonders for both your health and your digestion. Cancer can only build and thrive in a toxic and acidic environment. Get that waste out of your body so that you are not making your body more toxic. Increase your fiber intake right away!
It is also important to consume lots of fresh clean water. If you increase your fiber intake without increasing your water consumption, you will get clogged. If you are clogged, the waste is not coming out of your body. Make an effort to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day.
While fighting cancer, it is extremely important to be mindful of every single thing that you put into your mouth. As stated above, the days of eating unconsciously must end if you are serious about conquering this disease.
Yes it is possible to rid the body of cancer without drugs or surgery, but you must be armed with the proper knowledge. This article is designed to lead you in the right direction.
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